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RF Microneedling

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Saffron Walden Microneedling

Radiofrequency microneedling brings the skin tightening benefits of radiofrequency and the rejuvenating benefits of microneedling together in one powerhouse treatment to target wrinkles, acne scars, lax skin, large pores, and photo-aging all at the same time.

RF Microneedling delivers radiofrequency heat/energy into the skin through lots of tiny needles. The needles are insulated, except their tips, so that the RF energy they dispense is delivered directly onto the rest of the skin that the needles are passing through.

Radiofrequency and microneedling are both popular treatments and they do very similar things, namely boosting collagen and elastin, however the way in which they do this is different and each has its own unique benefits and advantages

Radiofrequency stimulates our body’s cellular responses using heat on your skin which helps tighten existing elastin and collagen at the same time as boosting new collagen. Microneedling creates a controlled injury, which stimulates the bodies wound healing response, once again kick-starting fibroblast activity, resulting in tightening, and boosting of new and existing collagen and elastin.

By combining these two already effective technologies into one, it effectively gives a double whammy when it comes to boosting collagen and elastin.

The bonus of RF microneedling is it is suitable for all skin types. RF also has a good depth control and deliver energy directly into a precise target area making this treatment safe and suitable for all skin types.

Pros for RF Microneedling

  • You reap the benefits of both microneedling and radiofrequency energy all in one treatment.

  • Microneedling with radiofrequency has minimal downtime – you can go about normal activities the aster treatment.

  • The treatment is considered suitable for all skin types and tone, with little risk of burning, scarring or pigmentation issues which its performed properly.

  • Beyond the benefits of skin tightening and smoothing, the procedure can help fade marks alike scars and stretch marks. It benefits skin, both structurally and superficially.

Cons for RF Microneedling

  • You’ll need multiple treatment sessions to see results, which take a few month to fully develop.

RF Microneedling FAQ

What areas can be treated with FR Microneedling

Any area with problem – face, tummy, thighs, and arms

How does RF Microneedling work?

Tiny needles are punched into the skin using a skin wand. The number of needles may vary depending on the problem and area being treated

When activated the wand quickly pushes the needles downward into the skin and back up. It’s a quick motion, but every square inch of the treatment area needs to be covered, so there will be lots of little “punches.”

How quickly will I see results?

You will need multiples treatments to see results, which take a few months to fully develop.

Is the treatment painful?

The treatment is uncomfortable, but you quickly get used to the sensation. We have experimented with numbing cream, and this is available if you wish however, we have found there is very little difference once the treatment gets going.

Is there any down time?

Immediately after your treatment you might have a little pinpoint bleeding, flushing and slight swelling – all part of the expected inflammatory response to the micro injuries inflicted on your skin. The side effects should resolve in 24-48 hours.

As the skin recovers you should encourage healthy healing with gentle skin care. Take care of your skin with mild cleansing, good moisturisation and a SPF sunblock.

Whilst you can wear makeup if the treatment has been on the face remember to keep those little puncture marks in mind. Your skin may be more sensitive and skin care products will penetrate more deeply than usual.

You should avoid products with potent active ingredients like retinoids, vit C serums and exfoliating acids.

How much does it cost?

Click here for prices and bookings